Endorsement contracts, wills, power of attorney, the document excerpt, copy, copies of documentation, translation abroad


The order of execution 

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​Name step
Description step
​1. Apply in person at the headquarters of therepresentative body
(See list of missions with consular functionsfor more detailed information about the address and time of filing and receiving results)
​2. Agency representatives review records, if anyunclear points need to verify the power of the State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs
3 Get live results at the headquarters ofmissions or by post (see the list ofrepresentative offices of consular functions)


The order of execution

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The order of execution
​1. The requester authenticated copies must present the following documents:
a) The original;
bThe copy to be authenticated.
​2. Individuals require his signature certification must sign before anauthenticator and produce the following documents:
a) passport or other identity papers;
b) Papers, documents which he will sign it (contracts, power of attorneywills)
​3. The verification of the signature of the service is performed undercertification procedures specified in paragraph 2 above and to ensure:
 The translator must be fluent in a foreign language to be translated.
 The services must undertake and be responsible for the accuracy of the translation.
4.​  Also people suggest endorsement contractcopysignature  It should pay
 One (01) copies of the papers and documents mentioned above;
 One (01) copies of passports or papers alternative value(hereinafter referred to as the personal papersof the person concerned (with presenting the original for comparison).
Number of records 01
Form, declaration form

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